Our ARES group has been assigned the K2SUL callsign.

K2SUL Repeater

We operate a 2m FM repeater under the K2SUL callsign.

Frequency: 145.150

Offset: -0.6

Tone: 146.2 (PL / CTCSS)

Please note that the tone frequency was changed from the original 94.8

Other Repeaters

Orange County ARES has collected a pretty comprehensive list of repeaters in the area.

Here’s a shorter list of those that might be relevant for Sullivan County operators.

Southern Catskills Amateur Radio Society

  • KC2AXO Thunder Hill: 147.135 +0.6 PL 94.8
  • Located near Grahamsville, covers most of Sullivan County.

Operated by the Southern Catskills Amateur Radio Society.

N2ACF • Rockland Repeater Association

  • N2ACF Orangetown: 145.170 -0.6 PL 114.8
  • N2ACF Pomona: 146.460 +1 PL 77.0
  • N2ACF Liberty: 441.950 +5 PL 114.8
  • N2ACF Wurstboro: 449.875 -5 PL 114.8
  • More repeaters across the Hudson Valley, including 6m and 10m.

Operated by the Rockland Repeater Association.

KC2OUR • Orange County ARES/RACES

  • KC2OUR Arden: 147.105 +0.6 PL 114.8
  • More repeaters focused on Orange County

Operated by the Orange County ARES/RACES.

KQ2H System

  • KQ2H Ellenville: 147.075 +0.6 PL 94.8
  • KQ2H Wurstboro: 447.525 -5 PL 82.5
  • More repeaters across the Hudson Valley, including 6m and 10m.

Operated by Alex Muzyka KQ2H.

Mount Beacon Amateur Radio Club

  • AE2AN Mt. Beacon: 146.970 -0.6 PL 100.0
  • Single repeater, but can be reached from eastern Sullivan County.

Operated by the Mount Beacon Amateur Radio Club.

WECA in Westchester

  • WB2ZII Valhalla: 147.060 +0.6 PL 114.8
  • Multiple repeaters on the same frequency, covering the Lower Hudson Valley, New York City, Long Island and more. Their Harriman location can be reached from eastern Sullivan County.

Operated by the Westchester Emergency Communications Association.

APRS Digipeaters

One of our members operates two Digipeaters and Internet gateways for APRS. KC2OQV-0 near Grahamsville and KC2OQV-2 near the Sullivan County Airport.

There are also several digipeaters just outside our county but that can often hear our beacons, such as those operated by Orange County ARES KC2OUR, Glenn Roeser WB2LMV in Napanoch and WECA WB2ZII in Westchester.


We run the “Hudson Valley Winlink Thursdays” net, where every Thursday there is a prompt to checkin via Winlink with as many different modes as possible. To join, send a message via winlink to KC2OQV.

Nearby Gateways

You can always browse the most updated gateway information in the Winlink site, but here’s a list to get you started.

  • WB2LMV in Napanoch: Pactor & ARDOP on 7103.500 (40m) and 28134.500 (10m).
  • KC2FBI in Grahamsville: ARDOP & Vara on 3595.500 (80m) and 28131.500 (10m).
  • KC2OUR-10 and KC2OUR-12 in Orange County: FM Packet on 145.070 (2m).