Winlink Thursdays

We run the Hudson Valley Winlink Thursdays net. If you have Winlink setup, send a message to KC2OQV to get more details. Or email

Eastern NY ARES net

On the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm, the Eastern NY Section ARES/RACES Net takes place.

On odd numbered months (i.e. January, March, May, July, September, November) the net will be on HF 75 meters LSB at approximately 3993 kHz.

On even numbered months (i.e. February, April, June, August, October, December) the net will be on the N2ACF repeater system.

National Traffic System

These are National Traffic System directed nets for the transmission of radiograms.

NTS: Hudson Valley Net (HVN)

Every day at 7:30pm on the MBARC repeater (AE2AN: 146.970 -0.6 PL 100.0).

NTS: Southern District Net (WECA)

Every day at 9:30pm on the WECA repeater (WB2ZII: 147.060 +0.6 PL 114.8).

Other Local Nets

Southern Catskills Net

Every Monday at 8:00pm, the Southern Catskills Amateur Radio Society operates a casual roundtable net on they repeater (KC2AXO: 147.135 +0.6 PL 94.8).

MBARC Meeting

Every Monday at 8:00pm, the Mt. Beacon Amateur Radio Club operates their regular club meeting net on they repeater (AE2AN: 146.970 -0.6 PL 100.0).

MBARC Casual Nets

The Mt. Beacon Amateur Radio Club hosts a few casual nets on their repeater (AE2AN: 146.970 -0.6 PL 100.0).

Breakfast Club, every Saturday at 10:00am.

Ragchew Net, every wednesday at 6:00pm.